Procode is getting its face out there

Last year was an exciting one for Procode as we rebranded, with an updated name, logo and website that reflects our new company values: ‘Focus on the user’, ‘Data always wins’ and ‘Fast is better than slow’.
This year is set to be a great one with Procode getting out there and showcasing our technology and expertise. A key way we will be doing so is through exhibitions and conferences. We’ll be attending many events this year, kicking off with The Digital Transformation Conference in May. This conference is an exciting opportunity to connect with organisations outside of energy suppliers and highlight how utilising smart meter data can help transform their business. We will also be speaking at the event, so keep an eye out for the video if you are unable to attend!
Over the year we will also be exhibiting at Utility Week Live, The Big Zero Show, Future of Utilities and EMEX where we will be showcasing how our innovative technology can help to transform businesses, giving you the tools to tap into your data, reduce cost to serve and deliver world-class customer experience.
A theme that spans many of the conferences this year is Net Zero and Energy Efficiency, a key concern that finally is coming to the forefront of the world’s focus. Whilst the facts and figures can be daunting, these conferences also bring hope, with businesses from all walks of the industry coming up with innovative and exciting ways to help the UK achieve Net Zero. Whilst there is a lot of work to be done, a big step for many businesses and consumers will be to understand how much, and the details behind, what they are consuming. Only then can they reduce their consumption and improve their efficiencies. Whilst this alone will not be enough, it is a vital first step.
In a world where more and more interactions are virtual, exhibitions are a vital way of reclaiming that face-to-face connection and building working relationships that span the years. It is also a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow, whether you are new to the industry or a veritable veteran!
We hope to see you over the year, and if you wish to attend as a guest of Procode please reach out at