Intelligent Data Adapter
High performance access to smart meter portfolios from the smallest to the very largest suppliers. Connect to energy data from the UK’s smart meter network with the Intelligent Data Adapter (DCC Adapter).

Making smart portfolios truly smart
With the installation of smart meters set to grow even further, suppliers are looking for innovative ways to improve customer experience, while also reducing their cost to serve and identifying new income streams. From aggregated data to deep dives into individual meters, we are able to provide the data you need to gain insights and provide efficiencies within your area.
We designed our adapter with high availability architecture to provide unparalleled service uptime, working in an active-active configuration. Our fault tolerant architecture with load balancing, provides resilience within the adapter itself to keep us available and running when the DCC is unavailable.
Cristian Chipaila
IT Product Owner
How does it work?
The DCC Adapter, developed by Procode, facilitates seamless communication with the Data Communications Company. This innovation empowers suppliers, distribution networks, and gas distributors to access their comprehensive smart meter data, issue commands to the meters via our advanced orchestration layer, and generate tailored insights based on specific use cases.
Cloud platform
The Intelligent Data Adapter is based on a reliable and robust cloud platform to offer high‑performance access to smart meter portfolios, of both SMETS1 and SMETS2 meters, allowing suppliers to store flows even if a meter is down.
API integration
The Intelligent Data Adapter can be easily integrated with existing company systems and can be accessed through an intuitive portal or via API.
DCC communication
Designed to simplify the process of communicating with the DCC smart meter network while minimising manual processes and resource-intensive tasks. The fault tolerant architecture with load balancing provides resilience within the adapter itself so it’s always available and always running, even if the DCC is not accessible.
What are the benefits?
Procode’s Intelligent Data Adapter offers flexible orchestrations for all supplier processes, alongside the ability to send individual service requests, and allows suppliers to store energy flow data if a meter is down, saving time on re-requesting the flows. With our best-in-class observability, we can detect and solve incidents without them ever having to cross your path.
Distribution Network Operators
The Intelligent Data Adapter handles both energy suppliers and distribution network operators enabling us to tap into the DCC in a variety of ways. We are a trusted partner for Critical National Infrastructure due to our highly secure infrastructure and cloud-based technology, alongside our accreditation by SEC (Smart Energy Code).
Business orchestration layer
The sophisticated business orchestration layer insulates the supplier systems from the complexities of dealing with different models of smart meter, initiating commonly used processes that require sending a complex sequence of specific service requests and replacing them with a single orchestration.
Pre-payment and credit capability
The Intelligent Data Adapter is suited to meters in both prepayment and credit mode, which covers the majority of the meters in the UK. Suppliers can utilise our intuitive Smart Management Portal for a full view of their portfolio, or to drill down into a specific pre-payment or credit customer meter.

Request a demo
Learn more about how our powerful platforms can help you to make smart decisions to reduce the cost to serve, increase efficiency, and grow revenues.
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Up next
Smart Datastream
Gain access to smart meter data flows to develop innovative applications without having to invest in your own connection to the Data Communications Company (DCC).
MHHS DIP Adapter
Streamline and enhance the integration of MHHS data into your existing systems, eliminating manual data entry.