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Illustration of a person beside an In-Home Display showing energy data insights for improving energy efficiency.
Unlocking the power of smart meter data

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the rise of smart devices and interconnected systems has transformed the way we live, work,...

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Mobile phone screen displaying energy payment options in the My Utilita app, developed by the Procode team.
Why today’s consumers want to go one step beyond a Martini

In the days before people started drinking prosecco and Aperol spritzes, one drink brand liked to market itself with the slogan “Any time. Any place. ...

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Illustration of a diverse group of people, symbolising Procode Technology's emphasis on teamwork.
Procode is getting its face out there

Last year was an exciting one for Procode as we rebranded, with an updated name, logo and website that reflects our new company values: ‘Focus o...

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Illustration of Procode team member tracking MHHS programme insights.
How is MHHS going to affect the industry?

Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) is one of the biggest changes to energy markets since retail competition was introduced. Settlement reconcil...

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Mobile phone screen displaying 'My Energy,' a monthly report developed by Procode to track energy usage and costs.
When energy guilt turns to energy smugness

In the past year, another three million householders have been able to experience “energy guilt”. It’s what happens when you get a smart meter install...

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Illustration of a Procode team member reviewing customer performance insights.
Switching up a gear. Welcoming new customers.

In recent years, we have all grown used to the on-demand economy, being able to order whatever you need and have it actioned without having to hang ar...

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